How to Prepare for a Healthy Marriage

Marriage is a beautiful, powerful bond between two people. But it can also be a lot of work. For the best chance at a successful and healthy marriage, couples should start by setting themselves up for success—before they even walk down the aisle. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Don't Dismiss Red Flags: It's natural to want to believe the best in our partners, but couples should not dismiss things that bother them about potential spouses and find ways to address them as early as possible. It may be uncomfortable to bring up potential problems before getting married, but this can help you identify whether you are truly compatible with one another in the long term.
  • Handle Problems Respectfully: When handling problems with your partner, remain empathic toward them, speak honestly and compassionately about what bothers you, and seek solutions together rather than demanding (let alone expecting) change from them. This kind of respectful communication can help keep both partners feeling heard and understood while avoiding any feelings of resentment or anger that could otherwise jeopardize your relationship.
  • Take Time to Become Friends: Developing a friendship and truly getting to know someone before entering into marriage is essential. It allows for the exploration of compatibility, emotional bonding, effective communication, and shared values. By investing time and effort in building a strong foundation of friendship, couples increase the likelihood of a fulfilling and lasting partnership. Taking the time to understand each other deeply before committing is a wise and valuable step towards a successful marriage.
  • Seek Professional Help: Couples should consider seeking professional help, such as couples or premarital counseling if needed. A skilled therapist can provide valuable guidance on handling difficult conversations and disagreements with your partner healthily, offer helpful strategies for building trust, or serve as an unbiased third party who can listen without judgment and offer impartial advice when needed.

If you're serious about having a successful marriage, taking proactive steps like those outlined above is key. Setting yourself up for success before getting married doesn't guarantee that your marriage will never face challenges—but it will give you the best chance at weathering whatever storms life throws your way together.


Diane K. Schmidt Counseling Services | 8575 W. 110th Street, Suite 304 Overland Park, KS 66210 | Phone: 913.730.6778 | Email: diane@dkschmidtcounseling.com